Tagged: #beauty

Makeover shows


Reflexive self is when we see ourselves from the outside and make choices about how we want to transform our lives. The reoccurring theme we see with these makeover shows is how beauty on the inside is the same/matches the beauty we have on the outside. This idea that if you get a makeover that somehow your self-worth will improve as well. That after the makeover, your life will change and everything will be so much better, because you look great on the outside. That’s what these shows are trying to convey. The variety of shows including makeover and weight loss shows are trying to show us that there are different routes to obtain happiness.

The American Dream was really defined as a time where people could change their lives and a lot of it was a show. They really cared about appearances and how other people saw them and how they were living their lives. You had to live your lives a certain way and to a certain standard. A lot of which is tied to consumerism. Consumer products will somehow transform your life in a positive way. The American Dream from the 1930’s has foregone a change to today’s view of what the “American Dream” really is. Makeover shows ultimately try to tell us what we think should matter in life and that’s being beautiful on the outside.

In the surveillance and shame part of the video is where participants are asked to put themselves into a position where they have to look at themselves as others do. They are usually made to watch secret footage, while others also watch and are judged for their poor choices in style or food choices. These people usually feel ashamed when people view these things in a negative way. These shows try to humiliate people so that they will open up to the thought of “improving” themselves.

Most of the ways these shows advertise products is by product placement. They try to integrate them into the script someway and also by putting them into a natural setting.

I personally don’t mind reality makeover shows. I think they’re fun to watch and I like to see the transformations. A lot of the people that go into those shows end up being pretty funny as well. This is a big appeal of the shows. I just think that more people should know that it’s not all about what’s on the outside that matters. I think these shows are sending the wrong message to younger viewers watching. I don’t think it’s a bad thing when people want to look good and presentable, especially if they’re frequently in a professional setting. But a lot of these shows undermine people with all kinds of different jobs and I don’t think it’s right. Overall, I don’t like the idea that you can only achieve the American Dream with your looks and the consumption of products. I prefer the weight loss shows that at least show through hard work you can achieve your goals.