To that one special friend,


We go through our lives making tons of friends whether it’s through school, sports, or work. But then that one special person comes along and changes everything. That person who understands you. That person who never judges you. That person who listens. I find it harder and harder to be away from that one person who truly gets me.

It’s hard for me, because I forgot a long time ago what is was liked to be judged by people and that’s because I was constantly with you. You know everything about me. I’m unknown here. It’s kind of nice, but also really scary.

It’s funny because we weren’t even that close through most of high school and then BAM! There we were in our drug rugs watching Gossip Girl for hours. We talked about anything that came to our minds and it was never weird, because honestly…who could be weirder than us. And that’s when the inside jokes came. Those inside jokes that I miss so much.

Today we’re on different paths, but there’s always tomorrow. When I get that text or phone call it’s like nothing has changed. I haven’t even been away that long, but without my best friend it feels like a lifetime has passed.

It’s funny because we would always have our deep talks in the car, which was so weird but that’s just what we did. Probably because we were happiest when we were on our way to get food. You really showed me what a true friend is. I just needed to write this to you because I needed to thank you. There is no one else like you.

Thank you for always being there. Thank you for being that one special friend that everyone needs. I’m so lucky to have you.

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